I am an Empath, Intuitive and an expert, experienced crisis counselor. The Gilded Apsara is where I combine my Tarot expertise, spiritual gifts, professional skills and the richness of my own diverse ancestral history and culture and offer them in service to you! I will happily read and counsel on any question you bring to our session but I also want you to know that my superpower is using the Tarot to guide and support women trapped in mentally and emotionally abusive relationships.
My Tarot journey began from the moment I bought my first deck right after graduating from Dartmouth College in the mid-90s. I then started a 15+ year career as a violence prevention and reproductive health crisis counselor and program director for organizations and institutions that serve women and girls.
Why? Because women are simply the most interesting people in the world to me. We possess such strength, unique beauty and seemingly endless sources of love and compassion. It’s why I’ve spent half my life working to empower and liberate women of all ages, socio-economic backgrounds and cultures from the societal pressures, norms, and ills that threaten our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual safety.
As a tool, and in the hands of a gifted reader, Tarot can help you begin a healing journey, explore new ways to express your joy, ambitions and creativity. Whatever your individual needs, the Tarot can help guide you on your path.
I love to connect with the women I serve, so please check out our blog and subscribe to our E-Beam newsletter and emails. In every email, newsletter and blog post we'll explore the limitless ways the Tarot can help you create laughter, magic and spice in your everyday life. I cannot wait to work with you!
- Halicue
You don’t have to be in desperate straits to have urgent questions. That nagging feeling that something isn’t quite right is real and shouldn’t be ignored. Perhaps you feel neglected or mistreated in your relationship, or maybe only you know that the happy exterior that you present doesn’t quite match up with the pain and longing you feel inside. Just because you are a wife, mother, daughter and friend does not mean that you always know how best to embody those titles and fill fulfilled and rewarded in them. Tarot can help!
The Tarot is a powerful, centuries old instrument of divination that I use to help women begin to rediscover themselves and reveal their own inner wisdom. The Tarot can empower you to make decisions and then take bold, active steps towards what truly inspires you. No matter what your question is or where your journey begins, take comfort in knowing that the Tarot and I are more than ready to handle it! And you can rest easy knowing that my readings center your individual needs and wants, incorporate mindfulness techniques and are always, always trauma informed.